Tanzania National Plant Genetic Resources Centre

The broad objective of the NPGRC is to promote the conservation and sustainable utilization of Plant Genetic Resources.
Specific objectives:
- Plant Genetic Resources Conservation;
- Promotion of Plant Genetic Resources Utilization;
- Co-ordination of activities related to Plant Genetic Resources;
- Training.
The NPGRC works in collaboration with both local and regional/international institutions such as:
- Government Ministries with activities affecting Plant Genetic Resources;
- Agriculture Research Institutes;
- Forestry Research Institutes;
- Natural Resources Research Institutes;
- NGOs SADC Plant Genetic Resources Institute (SPGRC);
- Bioversity International (Bioversity);
- Other International Institutions dealing with Plant Genetic Resources.
- NPGRC has managed to collect more than 4,000 crop accessions from different parts of the country;
- NPGRC has succeeded to characterize and multiply over 3,200 crop accessions.;
- A total number of 6 NPGRC and non-NPGRC staff has been trained to masters level and PhD level as well as 38 staff trained at various short courses both Internationally and Nationally;
- NPGRC has sent 3003 crop accessions to SPGRC for long term storage and distributed 443 crop accessions to different users particularly breeders, research Institutes and farmers;
- NPGRC has managed to secure funds to build 2 screen houses, 1 green house, a tissue culture lab, 3 vehicles, a tractor and a motorbike, 2 driers, 10 freezers as well as various small equipments;
- NPGRC has also secured funds from DANIDA and managed to build water reservoir for irrigation at our farm at Madi ira;
- NPGRC has succeeded to conduct 2 National Workshops on Plant Genetic Resources and Biotechnology. The proceeding for the first is already in circulation. The proceeding for the second workshop will be ready soon;
- NPGRC has written a number of fruitful proposals particularly on Neglected and Underutilized Crops (NUCS), NPGRC staff has won different awards (International Funds for Science: IFS and Abdu salaam Fellowship) and research is taking place at NPGRC;
- NPGRC in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS) participated in compiling relevant data and information, which finally enabled Parliament to ratify the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.
Currently Running Projects of Interest
- Characterization of germplasm;
- Documentation of PGR;
- In Vitro conservation of cassava (Manihot esculentum);
- Germplasm exploration and collection;
- In situ conservation of PGR.
National Plant Genetic Resources Committee (NPGRCom) Members
- Dr. Geoffrey Mkamilo - Chairperson
- Dr. A Kullaya
- Dr. J. Kasonta
- Mr. T.H. Msangi
- Prof. S O W M Reuben
- Prof. S. Iddi
- Mr. J.Y. Chambi
- Dr. A.P. Rutabanzibwa
- Mr. Hamisy William - Secretary
Hamisy William |
MSc. |
Curator |
Lourance P. Mapunda |
MSc. |
Documentation |
Anna Makundi |
BSc. |
Seed Technology |
Lilian R. Nyange |
Dip. Agric |
Laboratory activities |
Lomayani M. Sambai |
Cert. Agric. |
Field activities |
Odilia Shirima |
Secretarial & Documentation |
Janet Mmari |
Attendant |
Gregory Aloyce |
Attendant |
Muya Sufian |
Driver |
Deogratia Masunga |
Driver |
Abdillah Kinyuma |
Driver |
Chairman, National Plant Genetic Resources Committee
Director General
Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI)
Makutupora, Arusha Road,
P.O. Box 1571, DODOMA, Tanzania.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
National Plant Genetic Resources Centre
P O Box 3024, ARUSHA, Tanzania
Tel: 255 27 250 9674, Fax: 255 027 250 9674
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Curator - Mr W. Hamisy)