The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Plant Genetic Resources Network is a portal for Plant Genetic Resource (PGR) organisations within
the SADC region. The purpose for this website is on one hand to facilitate communication between all the plant genetic resource (PGR) centres the regional SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre (SPGRC) and the National Plant Genetic Resource Centres (NPGRCs) and their staff and associated resource persons, and on the other hand, provide other organisations involved in conservation as well as the general public with information on the activities in the SADC region.
Each of the PGR centres in sixteen SADC Member States, as well as the regional centre (SPGRC) has its own area in the portal. The data presented is partly provided as static pages containing descriptions of the background, activities, material and contacts of each centre, and starting from 2016, SPGRC has developed a dynamic, searchable web-based SPGRC Documentation & Information System database, (web-SDIS)

The search engines to the database information include, in addition to the traditional form based interface, a Geographic Information System (GIS) based interface that allows searches based on geographic maps of regions where collections have been made.
The forum section of the portal provides general and specialised discussion fora. Some discussion groups are open to (readable by) the public while others are internal to the SADC PGRs and their staff. Posting on the lists require registration.
This web site was first published in May 2005, redesigned, updated and re-published in 2008 with hope that it will provide a sustainable solution and an essential tool of communication for the National Plant Genetic Resource Centres in SADC region. As Internet bandwidth availability increases, better communication between resource persons at the various centres in the SADC and the Internet will also allow more frequent update of the information provided here, both with respect to country descriptions and content of material databases. The tools to do this are already in place.
Our Contacts
Physical Location: Farm No. 6300, off Great East Road, Lusaka
Address: Private Bag CH 6, Lusaka
Telephones: +260-211-399 200-10
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. AND This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
@SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre 2009-2020
Last updated: 26h February 2020